
An OAuth 1.0a provider for Python

Project maintained by tistaharahap Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

OAuth 1.0a Provider for Python

I want to build a scalable OAuth 1.0a Provider that is easy to subclass specifically in authenticating users against various databases. Focuses in leveraging performance by using Redis as the primary OAuth Provider backend, user authentications can be handled differently using any other databases.

After much thoughts, I am developing more stores other than Redis. To keep things simple, there are 2 types of stores:

There is an abstract Base class for stores called Oauth1StoreBase. Extend and implements the required methods to create your own stores.

Coded against RFC5849 so please excuse any mishaps, everyone is welcomed to fork and send pull requests.

As of this README, I am restructuring the whole package. Earlier codes will break. Revert to 0.3.0 for safety.

Compatibility Against RFC5849

With this README, I have no plans in supporting 3 legged authentications. I am only supporting XAuth at the moment. Fork and contribute to add support to 3 legged authentications.

OAuth 1.0a Authorization components are all expected from Authorization header. Example below.

Authorization: OAuth realm="http://localhost:5000/",


The main package depends on these Python modules:

The test.py file depends on these Python modules:

Real Usage and Extending The Provider

from flask import Flask, jsonify
from oauth1.authorize import Oauth1
from oauth1.errors.oauth import Oauth1Errors
from oauth1.store.sql import Oauth1StoreSQLAlchemy
from oauth1.store.nosql import Oauth1StoreRedis

BASE_URL = "http://localhost:5000/"

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] = "sqlite:///:memory:"    # Change this to a valid URI

class SQLProvider(Oauth1):

    def __init__(self):
        store = Oauth1StoreSQLAlchemy(app=app)
        super(SQLProvider, self).__init__(base_url=BASE_URL, store=store)

    def _verify_xauth_credentials(self, username, password):
        return username == 'username' and password == 'password'

app.config['REDIS_HOST'] = ''
app.config['REDIS_PORT'] = 6379
app.config['REDIS_DB'] = 0
app.config['REDIS_NS'] = 'oauth1-provider-nosql'

class RedisProvider(Oauth1):

    def __init__(self):
        store = Oauth1StoreRedis(host=app.config['REDIS_HOST'], port=app.config['REDIS_PORT'],
                                 db=app.config['REDIS_DB'], namespace=app.config['REDIS_NS'])
        super(RedisProvider, self).__init__(base_url=BASE_URL, store=store)

    def _verify_xauth_credentials(self, username, password):
        return username == 'username' and password == 'password'

# For SQL Store
oauth = SQLProvider()

# For Redis Store
#oauth = RedisProvider()

@app.route('/oauth/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@app.route('/oauth/<action>', methods=['POST'])
def oauth(action=None):
    if action == 'access_token':
        cons_check = oauth.authorize_consumer()
        if isinstance(cons_check, str):
            return Oauth1Errors.forbidden(cons_check)

        authorized = oauth.authorize_request(uri='oauth/access_token')
        if isinstance(authorized, str):
            return Oauth1Errors.unauthorized(authorized)

        # Check username/password from XAuth
        x_check = oauth.authorize_xauth()
        if isinstance(x_check, str):
            return Oauth1Errors.bad_request(x_check)

        return jsonify(status='ok')
        return Oauth1Errors.not_found('There is no valid resource here')

@app.route('/user/<user_uri>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def user(user_uri=None):
    if not user_uri:
        return Oauth1Errors.bad_request('You must supply a User URI')
        cons_check = oauth.authorize_consumer()
        if isinstance(cons_check, str):
            return Oauth1Errors.forbidden(cons_check)

        authorized = oauth.authorize_request(uri='oauth/access_token')
        if isinstance(authorized, str):
            return Oauth1Errors.unauthorized(authorized)

        return jsonify(uri=user_uri)

def not_found(error):
    return Oauth1Errors.not_found()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.debug = True


Again I am still new to Python, please give some feedbacks on best practices. Pull Requests are very welcomed.